Powder coating provides protection to a host of Metals i.e alloy, steel and aluminium it’s unsurpassed by most other paint systems. It adheres to Metals by using equipment with an electrostatic field. It is then baked in high temperature industrial ovens, whereupon the powder melts & flows to cover the entire component, this ensures a full and even coverage.
Durability and longevity can only be achieved by accurate use of oven temperature’s & timings which are essential in achieving quality workmanship. e.g A high Gloss finished Alloy Wheel will be treated with multiple stove’s at medium temperature, while a Steel Gate will be stoved for longer at a higher temperature.
Our charges vary depending on whether you leave your car with us or if you bring in loose wheels. If you would like to bring your car to us we have loan cars available if required. We will remove the wheels and store your car on an electric ramp in a locked garage whilst the work is being carried out.
10-16" £280 for a set of 4, £75 for individual wheel 17" £300 for a set of 4, £80 for individual wheel 18" £320 for a set of 4, £85 for individual wheel 19" £340 for a set of 4, £95 for individual wheel 20" £360 for a set of 4, £100 for individual wheel 21" £400 for a set of 4, £110 for individual wheel 22" £400 for a set of 4, £110 for individual wheel
Shadow chrome paint finish £100 per set (£40 per wheel if individual)
All prices include VAT & INCLUDE… Free Tyre Removal & Refit Free Valves Free Wheel Balancing
We have over 100 sets of loan wheels for a huge range of vehicles to take the stress and aggravation out of having your alloy wheels refurbished.
Our loan wheel service is free of charge and all part of the exceptional service we deliver here at Madhouse Alloy Wheel Refurbishment London
We remove the tyre, valve and any balance weights. The wheel is then put in a chemical tank which strips all the old paint from the wheel.
The wheel is rinsed
The wheel is now checked for kerb damage and repaired using Hand tools, if required any deep gouge marks are filled with special high temperature alloy filler.
The wheel is now is placed into an aqua blast cabinet. This process will key the wheel ready for the powder coat primer and will also remove any contaminants from the surface of the wheel
Once the wheel has been de gassed the wheel is hot enough to have the powder coat primer applied. This process is done in a clean room with filtered roof panels to help reduce the chance of any unwanted containments being attracted to the wheel.
Once the wheel has been primed it is then placed back in the oven for 20 minutes to allow the powder coat to flow out which will give a smooth flat surface to paint on.
The wheel is now allowed to cool before we apply the powder acrylic lacquer. The wheel is then placed back in the oven for is final curing.
Once the wheel has been cured it is then allowed to cool before we refit the tyre and balance the wheel.
We have over 100 sets of loan wheels for a huge range of vehicles to take the stress and aggravation out of having your alloy wheels refurbished.
Our loan wheel service is free of charge and all part of the exceptional service we deliver here at Madhouse Alloy Wheel Refurbishment London
Madhouse Tyres 4/12 Albany Road off Old Kent Road London SE5 0DS